Monday 30 November 2009

Research- Posters

While researching we spent a great deal of time looking at the posters from the successful fantasy action film underworld, like our own movie it has a female lead. This one in particular caught are attention, it uses a strong contrast between black and white that puts all focus on the female lead. The women is wearing black and has black hair. Black is associated with mysteries, darkness and power, this women’s intimidating appearance and the fact she is holding two guns immediately throws all gender stereotypes out of the window. The women also appear s to be at the front of a battle, all this gives her the presence of power. She is looking towards the camera, so she is in effect holding the gaze of whoever looks at the poster; this is very striking and draws you in. The poster has an all around dark and gloomy atmosphere, with its total lack of colour, dark landscape, threatening clouds and rain.