Monday, 30 November 2009

Research- Domino

Trailer beings with a distorted shape in darkness, this obvious enigma makes the viewer want to keep watching. We like the idea of the viewer perhaps not understanding what is going on at the beginning of the trailer but in a way that is interesting and likely to captivate their attention i.e. maybe close up of someone walking away from the camera.
The trailer shows the leading women Domino in her line of work as a bounty hunter. The concept of a women having such a carrier may in its self gain satisfactory attention for people to peruse this movie . This Particular shot shows aspects of the generic iconography that may attract the target audience; Guns, fighting, violence, explosions. This section of the advert is depicted in a film noir style with a stark contrast between dark and light and few areas of grey , the highest area of contrast is around the weapons which will draw the eyes of the potential audience towards them. We discussed the option of adopting a film noir style for our own teaser trailer but decided against it because we feared there may be issues with lighting restricting us from gaining the desired effect and we also wish to use colours and their connotations to build up themes and create the desired mood for the audience.
An aspect of this trailer we particularly like is the way it freezes and the music comes to sudden halt followed by dialogue from the heroine giving the audience snippets of information about her life. This strategy is brilliant for gaining attention, when the upbeat music and action comes to sudden stop it puts emphasis on whatever the viewer is left with, in this case a close up of the heroines face in darkness with a disturbing facial expression. It is unusual to see women depicted like this even within the action genre, in Charlie’s angels the women, even though taking part in the action no less than the me always retain the immaculate looks. However when doing our research we did note than in Kill Bill there is a much more realistic portrayal of how the women would appear after a fight. The inconstant style of the trailer, the way it speeds up and slows down in a very unpredictable manner echoes the mood of Domino, and the fast editing heightens the level of excitement. When editing our film we are thinking about the shots moving slowly fist then becoming more and more rapid building up towards the end, with the music enhancing this.