Research: Angel Of Death
Angel of Death
Angel of Death is a web series of eight to ten minute episodes created by Ed Brubaker. The series stars Zoë Bellas Eve, an assassin taking revenge on her former employers, and costars Lucy Lawless. Angel of Death was produced by White Rock Lake Production and distributed by Sony Picture Television.The episodes were released on Crackle(a video hosting company) from March 2 to March 13, 2009.
The show is a thriller about the assassin, Eve, who is employed by a ruthless crime family. After suffering a severe head trauma (knife through her head) while on the job, she begins to hallucinate and becomes haunted by her victims. As a result of her injury, Eve is driven to seek revenge on those who ordered the hits in the first place—her mob employers.
This is a perfect example of a ‘non glamourous’ female lead, a breath of freah air in the world of media. The ususal female lead, nomatter how raw and realistic she is supposed to be always has an element of obvious seductive and attractive tendencies about her. Charlies Angels (2000, directed by McG) for exapmle are not much more than eye candy, they look good, but are in no way believeable as ‘detectives’ The international movie data base describes it as using ‘martial arts, tech skills, and sex appeal’ This objectifying the women as nothing more than a pretty face and a nice body, which completely contradicts the idea of a female lead in an action film in my opinion. I believe giving the lead roll in an action film to a women should give them equality with male leads. And thus making there job to save the day, and not to give the male audience something to drool over.
Angel of Death has a raw, gritty feel to it, its very dark in the sense that its made in a realistic style but has the action and gore elements of a much more eccentric film. For example when Eve gets a knife in her skull; its practically impossible for her to survive this, but we accept it because of verisimilitude, and because of the realistic style its shot in we believe it. We want to capture this style for our movie, surreal action and stunts but a down to earth appearance. Despite the fantastic style it shot in, we have chosen this to look at because of Zoes character. More than anything we want to create a character that looks believable for her line of work. A woman who the audience will accept to be an ass-kicking, heroine.
The trailer
The very first shot we get, after the logo for the production company, is of Eve with a pair of hand guns, within the first two seconds we already have a clear idea of what genre it is.
Within these few seconds, the audience has already forged opinions on what this film will be about.
Proving that the opening of the trailer is extremely important.
Then we cut straight into action shots of Eve fighting various people, another obvious element for an action genre.
These shots attract fans of the genre, they see how good the short montage of clips are want to watch more.
This part is cut extremely rapidly, giving the feel of the fast paced scenes they are showing, and also building excitement in the viewer.
Then we are shown the shot of Eve with the knife in her head, an intriguing and exhilarating image.
The shot is then joined by text, introducing the character to the audience in a very comic book style.
Various other characters are then introduced in the same way before we continue to see the montage of shots.
The trailer ends with the title of the programme appearing over the last shot, so that this is the last thing the viewer sees.
Its written in red, with obvious connotations of blood, anger, death etc.
As for the soundtrack, we are given ‘cool’ non diagetic music. A simple guitar and drums track, giving the same raw, gritty effect that the images give. Meanwhile various voices are overlaid, mainly Eves so that the audience have a connection the character, but also from other characters. This is so we are able to get a idea of what is going on in some shots. Some of the lines however are simply to add to the ‘cool’ factor, like “she blew daddy’s brains across his pillow, right after she murdered you”
The whole trailer is just 50 seconds long, even less than ours will be. In this short period of time the are may things shown to the audience, using carefully selected shots, put together in a rapidly cut montage.
The views are given huge amounts of information through this trailer, for example the genre, the style, the characters and even a vague outline of the plot.
Angel of Death is a web series of eight to ten minute episodes created by Ed Brubaker. The series stars Zoë Bellas Eve, an assassin taking revenge on her former employers, and costars Lucy Lawless. Angel of Death was produced by White Rock Lake Production and distributed by Sony Picture Television.The episodes were released on Crackle(a video hosting company) from March 2 to March 13, 2009.
The show is a thriller about the assassin, Eve, who is employed by a ruthless crime family. After suffering a severe head trauma (knife through her head) while on the job, she begins to hallucinate and becomes haunted by her victims. As a result of her injury, Eve is driven to seek revenge on those who ordered the hits in the first place—her mob employers.
This is a perfect example of a ‘non glamourous’ female lead, a breath of freah air in the world of media. The ususal female lead, nomatter how raw and realistic she is supposed to be always has an element of obvious seductive and attractive tendencies about her. Charlies Angels (2000, directed by McG) for exapmle are not much more than eye candy, they look good, but are in no way believeable as ‘detectives’ The international movie data base describes it as using ‘martial arts, tech skills, and sex appeal’ This objectifying the women as nothing more than a pretty face and a nice body, which completely contradicts the idea of a female lead in an action film in my opinion. I believe giving the lead roll in an action film to a women should give them equality with male leads. And thus making there job to save the day, and not to give the male audience something to drool over.
Angel of Death has a raw, gritty feel to it, its very dark in the sense that its made in a realistic style but has the action and gore elements of a much more eccentric film. For example when Eve gets a knife in her skull; its practically impossible for her to survive this, but we accept it because of verisimilitude, and because of the realistic style its shot in we believe it. We want to capture this style for our movie, surreal action and stunts but a down to earth appearance. Despite the fantastic style it shot in, we have chosen this to look at because of Zoes character. More than anything we want to create a character that looks believable for her line of work. A woman who the audience will accept to be an ass-kicking, heroine.
The trailer
The very first shot we get, after the logo for the production company, is of Eve with a pair of hand guns, within the first two seconds we already have a clear idea of what genre it is.
Within these few seconds, the audience has already forged opinions on what this film will be about.
Proving that the opening of the trailer is extremely important.
Then we cut straight into action shots of Eve fighting various people, another obvious element for an action genre.
These shots attract fans of the genre, they see how good the short montage of clips are want to watch more.
This part is cut extremely rapidly, giving the feel of the fast paced scenes they are showing, and also building excitement in the viewer.
Then we are shown the shot of Eve with the knife in her head, an intriguing and exhilarating image.
The shot is then joined by text, introducing the character to the audience in a very comic book style.
Various other characters are then introduced in the same way before we continue to see the montage of shots.
The trailer ends with the title of the programme appearing over the last shot, so that this is the last thing the viewer sees.
Its written in red, with obvious connotations of blood, anger, death etc.
As for the soundtrack, we are given ‘cool’ non diagetic music. A simple guitar and drums track, giving the same raw, gritty effect that the images give. Meanwhile various voices are overlaid, mainly Eves so that the audience have a connection the character, but also from other characters. This is so we are able to get a idea of what is going on in some shots. Some of the lines however are simply to add to the ‘cool’ factor, like “she blew daddy’s brains across his pillow, right after she murdered you”
The whole trailer is just 50 seconds long, even less than ours will be. In this short period of time the are may things shown to the audience, using carefully selected shots, put together in a rapidly cut montage.
The views are given huge amounts of information through this trailer, for example the genre, the style, the characters and even a vague outline of the plot.
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