Monday, 23 November 2009

Evaluation question 2

What have you learned from your audience feed back?

Once completed, we invited a small audience to view out trailer and provide us with their thoughts on it, thus enabling us to see weather we had achieved the desired affect from an audience. Giving us a chance to alter it if necessary.
They first commented, saying they simply ‘enjoyed the trailer’ adding that it would ‘defiantly encourage them to go and watch the film’
When we asked why they thought that was, they replied ‘It looks like a good action packed flick, and the woman was a kick ass’
We believe we created the ‘action packed’ look, with the use of short, fast shots in a montage, compiled to a up beat soundtrack, found in most action trailer and in pivotal points in the films themselves.
And we were pleased by the reaction our female lead received, reassuring us that the audience would be interested in a movie where the main character is a strong woman.
Both men and woman were asked, and obviously each had a different reason for liking the look of the film.
The woman believing it to be empowering to see a strong female on screen, and the men obviously attracted to the action, and perhaps the character.