Evaluation question 3
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
We had trouble filming in one of our planning locations because of technical difficulties and then lack of transport when these difficulties were resolved. so we ended up filming the whole sequence in our second location and areas surrounding, it hasn’t affected the quality of the film however, it does mean we haven’t got any footage of buildings within our teaser trailer , which are the location of out female assassin on the poster and magazine front cover which we produced before filming.
We were concerned this would be problematic however, our assassin being the focus of the poster and magazine front cover is effective enough in linking the texts, and the presence of a dramatic difference in landscape from the poster to the trailer adds another dimension to the film and could heighten audience interest in the going to see the movie.
The combination of the texts is effecting in creating the sense of the character and the feel of the film enough to spark the curiosity of our target audience.
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